International Produce Training is pleased to announce it is now offering audit services to all aspects of the produce industry; growers, suppliers, and buyers.
IPT will perform a third party audit on any of your suppliers. The scope of the audit will verify if the proper inspection procedures are being followed, the defect scoring and identification is correct, and if the quality assurance personnel have been properly trained. You will receive a final audit report, documenting the deficiencies in their quality control system, as well as corrective measures that will be incorporated. Follow up audits will verify these corrective actions have been established and are working.
The auditor will act as an independent third party, auditing the quality control staff at a packing house, in the field, at dockside or at any facility.
How many times has weather conditions or market prices affected the quality and consistency of the product you are purchasing? An audit on site will verify that proper procedures are being followed, as well as random inspections of packed product. Let IPT be your eyes in the field, as a trained auditor will report back to you the effectiveness of your supplier’s quality assurance procedures.
But I use a private inspector now, how will this help? Private inspection companies are being used more and more each day, but unfortunately there is no governing body overseeing their training or inspection procedures. IPT will verify to you if the inspector is trained, is qualified and is competent to inspect your product.
Will these audits save our company money? An audit by IPT will allow your buyers to feel confident with their suppliers. Knowing a “top of the line” quality assurance program is in place, being managed by a reputable staff, will ensure the product you’re buying is meeting your company’s quality specifications. Trust but Verify!
3 Comments on “Audit Services”
Let me get this right, as a reciever I can request you to go out to a packing operation and you will verify that the QA people that are performing wok for me are doing their job correctly. You will perform an audit based on my specs (size, firmness, ripeness, sample frequency, temps, anything I request). What kind of report will I ge when it is all said and done? Have you ever done these type of audits before? Sounds great! Oldentimer
I can see some of the bigger players using this just to support what they say they are doing both at Shipping Point and Market.
Thanks for your comments Mr. OT. Yes, you are correct. The audit will be performed on the houses packing the product for the receiver (wholesaler, chain store, brokerage or shipper) based upon their specs. I remember my years in Philly, working as a USDA inspector for the Chilean fruit deal. Many of the importers used private inspectors, surveyors and expeditors that were charging big money to inspect the fruit at dockside. Most of them were hired off the street, had little training, and offered little expertise… they charged their 2 to 2.5 cents per package
IPT will audit the inspectors or quality control staff in packing houses and issue a final audit report covering the entire quality control process, from the dump tank, through the grading line, to the finished product.