International Produce Training is proud to introduce web based course instruction on the inspection of fresh fruit and vegetables. A full slate of lessons are available to everyone. These on-line courses are a great supplement to onsite training. Many companies have reached out to us asking for this service, and now it is here.
All lessons are based upon the USDA’s own inspection procedures and guidelines. The U.S. Grade Standards are used as the baseline for size requirements, defect scoring guidelines, and size and defect tolerances. There are 17 lessons within the eLearning Curriculum from which to choose. You can pick one lesson, two lessons or the entire 17 course curriculum. The most common products are included with the lessons. Apples, Citrus, Potatoes, Lettuce are some of the lessons available to view.
All lessons are fully narrated and interactive, meaning the user stays involved with the training, making choices and decisions throughout the course. Sampling procedures, size requirements, defect scoring guidelines, defect identification, tolerances and an end of course assessment are all included with each lesson. If you elect to take all 17 lessons, and successfully complete the training, by passing all of the assessments, you will be issued a Certificate of Training Completion.
To learn more about the pricing, and the options available to you, please click here. You can either register with a user name and password or continue as a guest to view the “Learn About IPT’s Web Based Courses” lesson. If you have any questions, or if your company would like us to create your own training courses based upon your company’s produce specifications and inspection methods, please contact us.
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